[Registration] "The 9th IYF Education Forum" registration has started!

8 Apr 2023
Views 406

We greet you on behalf of the International Youth Fellowship(IYF). 

We are hosting our “IYF Education Forum(IEF)” during July 16-23, 2023 at BEXCO in Busan, South Korea. 

Founded in 2001, the International Youth Fellowship is an international NGO with 219 branches in 98 countries around the world, working to develop young people into healthy-minded future leaders through various international exchange events and youth education programs. IYF's Mind Education has garnered worldwide attention from education leaders, as a fundamental solution for youth problems. 

The previous forum hosted by IYF, known as the World Education Leaders Forum(WELF),  has been expanded to include all levels of educators at schools, universities, Ministries of Education and private sectors. 

As such, as of 2023 the forum has been renamed: The IYF Education Forum(IEF).  

The 9th IYF Education Forum is a place where education leaders from around the world come together to discuss and explore new educational paths to ensure a brighter future for our youth.

It would be a great honor for us with your participation in the forum. 

Once your registration is complete, we will contact you through our local branch regarding your participation fee and participation details.

Thank you. 

  Click Here! 


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